Green Mountain Window & Door Co.

Our Company
Green Mountain Window Inc. has been manufacturing the finest quality wood windows for over a quarter century.
At our state of the art facility in Vermont, we manufacture our Classic Series windows, the premium Milestone Series windows and energy efficient insulated glass.
Our mission is to combine the traditional / historic detail distinct to the Eastern Seaboard with the energy performance demanded by our unique climate.
Our in-house manufacturing process includes state of the art warm edge insulated glass technology.
To best serve the Eastern Seaboard market we offer many standard options such as the pediment head, thick sill, and 5/8” wide muntin.
Ask a competitor for these features and you will find their price for these options alone will be more than our entire window.
This combination of quality and value is the Green Mountain Window advantage.
If you are interested in purchasing any of our products please click here to locate a distributor near you.
If you would like to become a Green Mountain Window distributor call (802) 747-6915 or email us here.